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Saas Library / Key Saas Metrics That Matter

Key SaaS Metrics That Matter

For Your Business Growth

“One accurate measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions.”
SaaS is evolving…
SaaS is gaining popularity…
SaaS is changing the way people do business…
You have landed on our website which means you have something to do with SaaS. Probably you are a CEO or marketing manager of a SaaS company and you want to get to grips with SaaS metrics like the back of your hand.
What to expect from our SaaS-focused content? You will learn what makes the SaaS business model different from the traditional one, how to calculate SaaS metrics, why tracking them is important for your business growth and what SaaS KPIs you should care about the most.
Stay with us to stay in the loop and let’s get started.

SaaS-Y Trends:

Not The Same As In Other Industries

The subscription model has conquered the SaaS industry and nowadays almost all SaaS companies operate with a subscription-based pricing model. In the case of a typical non-SaaS business, a customer pays a one-time fee and gets the product forever.
Another thing that makes SaaS stand out – it takes time to get your investment and cash money back. And the faster you want to grow, the bigger your losses will be in the beginning. Sounds paradoxical. Let’s be clear. You invested $2500 and acquired 5 customers, your CAC is $500. Your customers subscribed to a $90 monthly plan and will pay back that $500 in 5.5 months, not immediately. So you will recover your CAC gradually and after 5.5 months, the longer your customer continues his plan, the more your net profit will be.
In the SaaS industry, a customer buys a subscription package, not a product. And that product (software) is available as long as the customer continues to pay the subscription fee. Of course, you can find software for which you pay a fixed price and use it for a lifetime but it’s more an exception than a rule.
What Are SaaS Metrics And Why Is It Worth Tracking Them? They’re Proof Of Your SaaS Business Health. Read Further:

We Have More For You!

At first glance MRR, ARR, CAC, LTV and stuff like that seem a bunch of letters and acronyms but then you discover the power inside them
our recurring revenue is reflected in just 3 letters – MRR (or ARR), your main marketing spendings are embodied in another 3 letters – CAC or you can measure the profitability of your customers with 1 more acronym – CLV.
That’s not the end as metrics like NPS, LVR and Churn rate and others are not less valuable to measure and analyze.
You know your CLV, you know how much to invest in customer acquisition. Your NPS is a negative number, that means your customers have a painful experience with you (hope that’s not your case).
Your Churn rate is low, you know your product and team perform great (hope that’s your case). And the list goes on…
With key SaaS KPIs at your disposal, data tells you what’s your current the situation, what’s missing and what to do next – that’s when you should make your SaaS-saving or SaaS-improving decisions. If
Your LTV to CAC ratio is less than 3 Or
You recover your CAC in more than 12 months Then

You Need To Make Improvements!

Without further ado, let’s move forward to discovering every SaaS metric separately. From each of our publication, you’ll know
the definition of that particular metric,
how to measure it and what’s the formula,
how to improve its performance with practical tips,
other sections relevant only to a separate metric…
We are sure you’ll walk away with a bundle of SaaS knowledge and a sense of spending quality time.
SaaS ARPA (Average Revenue Per Account) Guide
Discover cutting-edge strategies to boost Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA) in the competitive SaaS landscape. Click 'View More' to stay ahead of the curve.
SaaS MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) Guide
Explore the essential SaaS MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) Guide for invaluable insights on sustaining and growing your business. Click 'View More' to unlock the power of recurring revenue.
SaaS ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) Guide
Dive into the comprehensive SaaS ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) Guide for expert insights on maximizing long-term revenue stability. Click 'View More' to elevate your revenue strategy.
SaaS CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) Guide
Delve into our SaaS CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) Guide for essential insights on optimizing your acquisition strategy. Click 'View More' to unlock the secrets of efficient customer acquisition.
SaaS LTV (Customer Lifetime Value) Guide
Uncover the power of maximizing Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) with our comprehensive SaaS LTV Guide. Click 'View More' to learn how to drive sustainable growth and profitability.
SaaS NPS (Net Promoter Score) Guide
Unlock the potential of Net Promoter Score (NPS) in the SaaS industry with our comprehensive guide. Click 'View More' to discover how to measure and leverage customer advocacy for growth.
SaaS Churn Rate Guide
Explore our SaaS Churn Rate Guide for actionable strategies to reduce customer churn and drive business growth. Click 'View More' to learn how to optimize retention and maximize revenue.
SaaS ARPA (Average Revenue Per Account) Guide
Discover cutting-edge strategies to boost Average Revenue Per Account (ARPA) in the competitive SaaS landscape. Click 'View More' to stay ahead of the curve.
SaaS MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) Guide
Explore the essential SaaS MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) Guide for invaluable insights on sustaining and growing your business. Click 'View More' to unlock the power of recurring revenue.
SaaS ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) Guide
Dive into the comprehensive SaaS ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue) Guide for expert insights on maximizing long-term revenue stability. Click 'View More' to elevate your revenue strategy.
SaaS CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) Guide
Delve into our SaaS CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) Guide for essential insights on optimizing your acquisition strategy. Click 'View More' to unlock the secrets of efficient customer acquisition.
SaaS LTV (Customer Lifetime Value) Guide
Uncover the power of maximizing Customer Lifetime Value (LTV) with our comprehensive SaaS LTV Guide. Click 'View More' to learn how to drive sustainable growth and profitability.
SaaS NPS (Net Promoter Score) Guide
Unlock the potential of Net Promoter Score (NPS) in the SaaS industry with our comprehensive guide. Click 'View More' to discover how to measure and leverage customer advocacy for growth.
SaaS Churn Rate Guide
Explore our SaaS Churn Rate Guide for actionable strategies to reduce customer churn and drive business growth. Click 'View More' to learn how to optimize retention and maximize revenue.