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How to Create The Perfect Linkedin Company Page

Frame 7



What’s in the Ebook?

A perfect LinkedIn Company Page is one of the most important elements of your presence on this social media website whether you are B2B or B2C business. In order to maximize the benefits of using LinkedIn, it is important to have an eye-catching company page that represents you and your business in a meaningful way. To help you make the most out of your LinkedIn Company Page, we’ve put together this visual guide, which features several “Pro Tips” that LinkedIn has contributed, along with some visual examples we’ve gathered from top-performing Company Pages. So, flip on through and find some inspiration. Visual guide – a guide with visual examples on top-performing LinkedIn pages Pro tips – tips from the LinkedIn pros that will help you reach your goals Optimization – optimization tips for your Linkedin cover photos, logo and banner image, careers page, showcase pages and featured groups