Nowadays outsourcing a marketing project has become even more common practice. So, today you will discover the reasons why most of your competitors outsource their marketing and why you should do it as well. The main reasons are:
1. Cost – you want to make your marketing costs as flexible expenses
Just think of that for a moment: a full time digital marketer that you hired for your firm cannot do all the necessary activities like a digital marketing agency can do. And yet you should have a contact with him, pay for the taxes and office fees constantly. Another reason is that one employee cannot have all the necessary expertise, skills and competencies that agencies usually have. So, in this case, you are going to outsource some of his/her responsibilities and you will end up paying him/her a salary and paying others for the outsourced work as well. However, if you outsource your digital marketing, you will end up paying just one agency for all the work connected with marketing, instead of paying too many people for just one activity. Keep in mind also that your contracts with outsourced partners are more flexible than those with your full time employees.
2. Availability – you want to easily shift the necessary activities during emergencies
Another important reason is the time and availability. If you are an accounting firm for example, you will need a digital marketer every day, because posts in social media networks and interactions with the users at the right time is one of the keys to success for every marketing campaign. So, imagine that your digital marketer has a cold or he/she is out for a vacation. What you are going to do ? Are you going to tell your customers that they are being ignored just because the digital marketer is not at work that day? However, if you outsource your marketing activities, there will be always one person in an agency who will take care of your customers and all the marketing activities.
3. Quality and bandwith – accessing higher quality talent
The last reason for outsourcing your marketing activities is the quality. As we have already mentioned above, one person cannot have all the necessary skills, competencies, experience and knowledge of a whole team. The digital marketer that you have just hired can be a great SEO specialist, but does it really mean that he/she is good at graphic design as well? Or this specialist can have a great writing skills, but does it really mean that he can create a powerful social media page for your company? So, we can be almost sure that one person cannot do all the marketing activities of your company. However, if you outsource it to a digital marketing agency, there will be all the necessary specialists for every work in that field. So, here are the 3 main reasons why most of your competitors have started to outsource their marketing and why you should do it as well. Do you have other reasons in your mind as well? If so, please share them with us in the comments below. Continue reading: Top 10 Mistakes To Avoid When Outsourcing Marketing BONUS READ: You can read also about our latest Ultimate Guide: How To Do SaaS Competitive Analysis? (+Expert Opinions)
January 20, 2015