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 Inbound marketing is a field that is continuously changing every day, because of new trends, new tips and tricks, strategies and so on. Whether you are a CEO of a company, inbound marketer or content writer, you should always stay well informed, if you want your company to be successful and up-to-date. We know that the best way to get informed about the current trends and news of inbound marketing is reading articles from successful inbound blogs. Below are presented the top 20 inbound marketing articles of june 2015 that you MUST read.

1. Everyone wants to get money from a successful email marketing strategy. John Mcintyre from Income Diary, represents 14 ways marketers should implement to get much more money from their email marketing campaigns.

2. Few years ago, keywords were the only way to drive content strategy and conversion optimization campaigns. However, now, the times have changed and it’s all about your users. An article by Sid Bharath  in Optimizely blog, represents how A/B tests are able to help marketers determine their website content. It shows, that A/B tests have more chances to create perfect landing pages, than keyword strategies.

3. When it’s time to create new marketing campaigns, creativity is the first thing that should be present. To get creative, people need inspiration. And what can give us inspiration? Of course, other great campaigns from successful companies that caught attention of the whole world. Lindsay Kolowich from HubSpot introduces 12 of the best marketing and advertising campaigns of all times.

4. With the development of smartphones, people cannot imagine a day without it. It  has bad sides, but it has good sides as well, and no one can deny it. One of the benefits is that people can work on the go, thanks to some mobile apps. Jessica Davis at Ronsela blog, represents 6 useful apps that can be used for social media management, like posting, monitoring and scheduling content.

5. There are hundreds of articles posted everyday about SEO. So, for a newbie in this field, it is really not difficult to find the necessary resources and tools to get started. Just for this reason, Tafser Ahmed shares 17 best SEO blogs that are worth following.

6. It’s not news that social media and online shopping have become mobile activities. So, marketers should implement new mobile tools to make their buyer experience more comfortable one. 

7. Brand communication is crucial for every company, because it’s how you interact with your current and potential customers. A great article in HubSpot by Meaghan  Moraes introduces some useful tips for companies to make their brand’s communication a better one.

8. One or two years ago, the idea of making purchases directly from Google, Twitter or Facebook was really unusual. Today, these companies think that it is going to be one of the top trends in the following years. Jason Del Rey, a writer from, clarifies why “Buy” button is going to bring new challenges for Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

9. It does not matter how much successful you are with your content marketing strategy, as you always need some inspiration. Just for this reason, John Rampton from Inc. lists those 6 companies that dominate content marketing and which you should definitely follow.

10. In 2015, there were many changes and updated in Facebook. With the improvement of Facebook, you should improve your Facebook strategy as well. For this reason, Justin Bryant from Made Success, represents 10 tips and tricks that companies should implement.

11. Email marketing is a crucial part of any inbound marketing strategy. Writing emails becomes much easier when there are the right plugins to use. Neil Patel from Quicksprout talks about the most useful 22 Gmail plugins that all content marketers should use to make their work easier.

12. The next great article that is worth reading was written by designer Ashley Irving. In this post, she shares her experience, and talks about the most important web design principles that need to be implemented for better conversions.

13. CTAs(call-to-action) are the tools that convert your visitors into leads. However, everything is not as easy as it seems. Marketers should know where to place that CTA, how to design it, which text to put to catch people’s attention. Morgan Jacobson from HubSpot speaks about CTAs, about what really works and what does not work.

14. Becoming a good SEO copywriter requires a lot of work and expertise. To find in which stage you are currently, read the article of Andy Nathan, who introduces 5 circles that you need to pass before becoming a good SEO copywriter.

15. In 2015, it was found that more than 75% of marketers reported that they are going to use more visuals in their content during this year. If you are among these marketers, then this article is just for you. Aaron Agius from Search Engine Journal provides you with design resources that can be helpful for your content campaigns.

16Neil Patel from Quicksprout has another great article-infographic for inbound marketers. This time, it’s about testimonials and the ways how marketers can get great testimonials.

17. Conversion optimization can turn out to be difficult, if you don’t have the right effective processes. Ran Loyd from Experiment engine speaks about the 5 hurdles that hold back optimization programs, and present some solutions for them.

18. This article is really a very useful one, because here you can find different opinions from different experts. At aptitude blog, more than 15 SEO and content marketers came together to discuss the most common content marketing mistakes. Make sure that you don’t make them as well.

19. It’s not so hard to write emails to your prospects. But how can you make sure that your emails are not considered to be spam? Here are 3 tips at, which will help you save your emails from spam filter.

20. The last one is again from Neil Patel, who gives you great tips on writing successful emails and making them so attractive that your subscribers will not be able to wait to open them.

Can you see how much information is included in these articles? These are only 20 articles from June 2015. Just imagine, how much valuable information you can get, if you constantly follow the blogs mentioned above. Are there any other articles from June that impressed you a lot? Please share them with us in the comments below.


Sona Hovhannisyan
Post by Sona Hovhannisyan
August 17, 2015
Sona is the story-maker of Incredo. With her great writing skills and intellectual information processing she makes the best content for best audience. She is very punctual in everything she does. She has a strong writing experience with MBA degree. Because of her articles, thousands of clients are becoming more informed about different issues in different industries.
