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5 Reasons Why We Love Inbound Marketing and Hubspot - SaaS Inbound Marketing Agency
 Innovation, originality and customer-centric mentality are the basic necessities of a marketing company. This comes with flexibility in the ever-changing marketing world. One of the new trends in advertisement is inbound marketing.


Inbound marketing is a way of creating a brand and attracting customers by creating high quality content. If you are a small business with little resources, it can seem impossible to ensure a constant inflow and long-term loyalty from customers amongst all the competition.

Yet, a well working inbound marketing strategy will serve just that purpose. There are many online marketing platforms, that will help you implement an inbound marketing strategy, but the one that is really worth your attention is HubSpot.

The platform has combined all tools necessary in a single place, along with training, idea generating, SEO suggestion options and more for best marketing performance possible.  Below are presented a few reasons why this platform is the best option and why we love it so much!

1.CRM system

Besides all the great marketing functions that the platform has, it also has an amazing CRM system, which helps tracking leads and sends them to sales representatives. You can find any data about any contact, starting from social media clicks to responsiveness to a campaign.

So, with the help of their CRM system, it will be more than easy for you to analyze the leads and find the right customers for you.

2. Analytics

Continuously analyze your data helps you see your mistakes in the marketing strategy and strengthen what’s working. To do so, you need the best tools and techniques of analytics. Here, HubSpot comes with Google Analytics and provides you with the best solutions.

You can analyze everything, starting from which blog titles get more clicks to which color is more appealing to customers in a webpage. There are such possibilities as calculating the ROI of every campaign, to understand which ones bring money to your business and more.

3. Great landing pages

Landing pages are the best place for you to catch some leads and turn them into customers. Create a page with an offer that customers can’t refuse and now you’ve captured their interest.

With the help of HubSpot, creating landing pages becomes very easy. There are many templates you can choose and customize. There is the option of A/B testing to find out what needs improvements.

4. Email marketing

Due to the platform’s ability to sort the leads into different categories based on who they are, how they interact with your websites, what are their preferences, it becomes much easier for you to organize your email marketing campaign.

With these tools, you can create different emails for different target groups and show them that you care.  With the help of some templates, your work can be much easier. Just add content, some CTAs, forms and you are done.

5. Call-to-actions

Another great feature that is available are CTAs. HubSpot controls which offers customers see based on their preferences and their behavior on the website.

Tools are available to make CTAs on the spot, design them to match your branding and catch the eye of a customer. In addition you analysis tools are available for complete monitoring of CTA quality.

So, these are the main 5 reasons why we love HubSpot and recommend you all to use it. Are there any questions? Please share them with us in the comments below.

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Artash Arakelyan
Post by Artash Arakelyan
February 20, 2015
CEO at Incredo. 6 years experience in internet marketing and marketing obsessed. Always thinking of traveling in exotic countries and wishing I could eat couture cupcakes all day long. My birthday is on Dec 17 and yes I don't mind anonymous birthday gifts!
