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15 Ways Marketing Automation Can Maximize your Content's ROI - SaaS Inbound Marketing Agency
 ROI is an accounting tool that is used to show actual or perceived future value of an investment or expense. In economic terms, some say that it is a way of considering profits in relation to capital invested. The purpose of ROI is to measure, per period, rates of return on money invested in an economic entity in order to decide whether or to undertake an investment.



As to marketing automation, it is the process of automating repetitive marketing tasks such as sending out automated emails to your customers, capturing customer intelligence and lead segmentation.

1. Always support your sales team

This speaks for itself! Do you really think your sales team is going to carry on if they don’t have your support? Marketing automation provides you with tools to maximize your ROI, so share these tools with your sales team.

2. Look for multiple positives

When it comes to marketing automation, this point speaks for itself. The more positives you get the better for your brand.

3. Avoid multiple negatives

Although not all negative review and comments are bad, too many of these might burn your marketing automation very fast and your ROI will sky-rocket in the wrong direction!

4. Valuable content is important

Not only does your content have to be interesting, but it should also be valuable for your customers. High-value content will educate the users and will give them a reason to turn to you when they are in need of your services.

5. Creating assorted campaigns

Add some pictures and videos to your marketing automation when doing email marketing—pictures are very eye-catching and much more fun than just a plain text.

6. Customize you content

The software behind marketing automation is build in such way that it creates profiles based on a person’s online activity. Using this information to personalize your content will build a deeper connection with that person.

7. Keep registration forms

If you create and keep registration forms, it will be easier for you to go back to those leads in future. Hide your high value content behind registration forms!

8. Come up with interesting content

Each email that is sent out with marketing automation has to be newsworthy. Can you imagine how tedious it would be if you get the same information time and time again? Well the truth is, if your content with marketing automation is not newsworthy, your customers will trash the email before even reading it.

9. Consistency is key

You have to create a certain pattern in your marketing automation, like sending marketing campaigns once a month on the last day of the month or the first day of the month. Content marketing and marketing automation are not just something you can set and forget about them, you have to stay in touch and stay consistent.

10. On-and offline

Marketing can not only be done online, but it can be done offline as well. The focus might be on online as a result of the web and the changing time, but remember to not forget about marketing automation when you are offline.

11. Be present

As it is not always possible to go all out like Starbucks with a shop on every corner, it is still possible for you to be present and be seen. The trick is to be there when a follower is looking for something specific, like a geyser that burst; this might not be your business, but you might know someone who does this, so post a link on your customer’s page and let him know that you have someone for him.

12. Use social share as leads

This is very obvious. Embed sharing buttons into every content asset, email and landing page. This way you will definitely maximize your social reach.

13. Use offer ads for new leads

Ensure that you have a landing page where people have been sent to with an offer. Once on the landing page, your potential customer can fill in a short form to claim the asset. This way, everybody wins—they get valuable content and you get a new lead.

14. Split your ads with custom audiences

With this marketing automation tool you can reach targeted people that are already in your system.

15. Use A/B testing for your landing page

Maybe you are not sure what heading or image to use? The answer is simple, try doing an A/B test for this and get the best answer for your marketing automation.

These are my views on how marketing automation can maximize you ROI. Leave your comments below if you have one or two to add!

 Here is another article you may be interested: ►10 Signs You Might Need Marketing Automation



SaaS Growth
Artash Arakelyan
Post by Artash Arakelyan
January 9, 2014
CEO at Incredo. 6 years experience in internet marketing and marketing obsessed. Always thinking of traveling in exotic countries and wishing I could eat couture cupcakes all day long. My birthday is on Dec 17 and yes I don't mind anonymous birthday gifts!
