Some business owners know how to convince their customers to click this or that link while others are new and don’t have much experience in this field. Just for these businesses, today we will focus on 10 tips that improve social media click-throughs. Here we go…
1. Create CTAs
There are some images in social media networks, that are clickable and there are ones, which are not clickable. You should clearly separate those images from one to another. So, how can a user understand whether he/she should click on it or it is just a picture? For this reason, you need to use images that include Call To Actions(CTAs). The statistics shows, that those images that contain CTA are 15% more clickable than the simple ones.
2. Share Your Thoughts
When you share a post in Facebook, Twitter or somewhere else, you must not just put a link and post it, as it is boring. When you share something, consider sharing your thoughts about that link as well, in order to make it more personal. Statistics show, that those links that are accompanied with some words are 9% more clickable. So, when you post something, make sure to share your opinion as well.
3. Consider Time and Frequency
Time and frequency of your posts in social media networks affects a lot the number of clicks that you generate. For example, the posts of Thursday and Friday have more clicks than those of Wednesday or Tuesday. Besides, hours of posts matter as well. It is proved that posts between 9 AM and 7 PM are the most effective ones: posting at 1 PM generates most of the shares and posting at 3 PM generates most of the clicks. Moreover, frequency is also important when we speak about click-throughs. It is proved, that posting once every day generates most of the clicks for social media networks. However,if you post in Twitter, you should post more than in Facebook. This also depends on the type of business that you have.
4. Create Engagement
One thing that is worth mentioning is that posts that have higher engagement receive more clicks. Engagement means that the post has many comments, likes, shares and so on. When someone comments on your post, you either like it, delete it or respond to it. Many researches have shown that liking the comment does not increase clicks, deleting does nothing, but responding to comments has positive impact on clicks.
5. Consider the Length of Post Headlines
We all know that headlines have huge importance on click-throughs, however did you know that the length of it also matters? In general, shorter the headline, the better. However, it is not applicable for all posts. If you put short headline to your post and it does not give users an understanding of what your post is about, then it is not effective. The headline should be as long as it provides an understanding of the article to your users.
6. Space Up Your Posts
In order to not flood your followers with your posts, you need to space them up correctly. For example, if you want to post at 3 PM that day, make sure to not post half an hour before and after that post in Twitter. In other social media networks, this time is larger. If you find it too exhausting to remember when to post, social media scheduling tools can solve your problem – just block out when day when you’ll schedule posts for the upcoming week (or weeks), and forget about it.
7. Use the Right Keywords
Keywords matter a lot when it comes to click-throughs. Make sure to use the right keywords for your business, for specific time period and so on. For example, if you have a fitness center, make sure to use the right keywords, such as “training”, “workout”, “gym” and so on. Moreover, time period also has a huge importance. For example, if it is summer, you should use right keywords specific to that period-summer.
8. Connect Social Media Accounts
When you link your social media accounts to one another, it helps people to find you in different social media networks and to engage with you where it is more comfortable for them. For example, if a Twitter lover sees in Facebook that you have a Twitter account as well, he/she will enter your page and will start following you there.
9. Use Powerful Words
Another very important thing to consider in order to increase click-throughs are words. There are some powerful words that increase clicks, such as “check”, “click”, “top”, “best” and so on. So, make sure to use the right powerful words in your posts in order to increase your click-through rates.
10. Use Clear Language
People check their social media accounts in order to rest a little bit. Imagine, that a person wants to rest in his/her break time and decides to check his/her feed. If he/she sees something that has unclear meaning, he/she would definitely ignore it. So, try to use clear language in order to make it easier for people to understand what you are sharing. Clearer you are, higher will be your click-throughs.
Now, you have some tips to follow in order to increase your click-throughs today, tomorrow and always. Are there any other tips not mentioned that you would like to share with us? Please leave them in the comments below.
SaaS Growth
June 25, 2015