1. Free events
If you want to be present in your customers’ lives, you should organize events at least once a year. In order to make contracts with customers, you need to get their attention and events are great ways of doing so. For example, you can teach classes, create open-door days or other events in order to make people interested in your business. Once they showed interest towards your business, all you need to do is giving them all the necessary information about your business.
2. Partnerships
If you want your business to be developed and known, then you should have partners. For example, as a nutrition and wellness company you can connect with local Diabetes Association in order to offer them some trainings or you can create partnerships with sport store, in order to advertise yourself and so on.
3. Seminars
Try to promote your business by different kinds of seminars. During the seminar you can speak for example about the importance of nutrition and wellness companies, introduce your offers, prices and so on. This will help you give the audience information on why nutrition business are so important and which benefits people can get. There are many topics you can talk about, such as goals of nutrition, wellness calendar, health tips, fitness projects and so on.
4. Direct mail
Direct mails convey credibility and increase awareness among potential customers. One thing that is very important here is to ensure that you create the right CTA. There are many things you can offer people with direct mails, however it is proven that the most efficient ones are invitations for events, seminars, testimonials and so on.
5. Point of sale marketing
Usually, most of nutrition, wellness companies have large display windows for PR and advertising. You should take advantage of this chance because this is the right thing you can use to promote yourself. Look at these displays and think whether it would attract potential clients. There are many things you can do with these displays, for example putting week recipes, show your offers or put a motivating advertisement.
6. Branded merchandise
In order to be remarkable and unique, you should use branded merchandise. Try to develop things which will attract people and will create right concepts in their minds. Instead of just putting your logo and slogan on your product, try to do things that will be remarkable, will catch people’s eyes and make them laugh.
7. Print media
Besides online media, there is also an offline media that you should take into account. Make sure to write articles in local newspapers, print business cards, flyers and brochures in order to be visible in your community. In addition, make sure to put all the necessary information on these things in order to make people understand what is the purpose of your business and why it exists.
8. Donations
There are many organizations that seek for business who will do some donations. Probably every single day you receive a phone call asking from you some money for donations. Instead of saying no and creating black PR for you, try to develop donation budget and donate money to these kind of organizations, which will help you promote yourself a lot.
9. Local TV programs
Though Internet has developed a lot, television has its place in people’s lives as well. In order to get seen there as well, make sure to attend local TV programs, local news and so on. This will be a great way of advertisement and you will get famous as well.
10. Newsletters
Try to contact spa salons, hospitals or fitness rooms in order to ask them distribute your newsletters in their offices. In these newsletters, make sure to add information about your product/service, about your offers, contact information and so on. However, make sure to keep these newsletters brief about 1 or 2 pages.
So, here are the top 10 offline marketing ideas for nutrition and wellness companies. Are there any other ideas you would like to mention? Please share them with us in the comments below.
June 25, 2020